

14:00-14:45 鄭容武(広島大学)
Birkhoff spectra in one-dimensional dynamics

15:00-15:45 高橋博樹(慶應義塾基礎科学・基盤工学インスティテュート)
Statistics of periodic orbits for in finitely renormalizable S-unimodal maps

16:00-16:45 高橋悠樹(東北大学)
Diophantine property of matrices

17:00-17:15 平山至大(筑波大学)
A remark on disjointness for multiple recurrence of Khintchine type


10:00-10:45 豊川永喜(北海道大学)
On the existence of a $\sigma$-finite acim for a random iteration of piecewise linear intermittent Markov maps with uniformly contractive part

11:00-11:45 Johannes Jaerisch(名古屋大学)
Recurrent and transient sets for skew-periodic interval maps

13:30-14:15 渡邉天鵬(京都大学)
Non-i.i.d. random dynamical systems of rational maps

14:30-15:15 角大輝(京都大学)
Classification of generic random holomorphic dynamical systems associated with analytic families of rational maps

15:30-16:15 鈴木新太郎(慶應義塾基礎科学・基盤工学インスティテュート)
A spectral approach for random non-uniformly expanding maps

16:30-17:15 田中晴喜(和歌山県立医科大学)
Asymptotic solution of Bowen equation for perturbed potentials defined on shift spaces


10:00-10:45 中野雄史(東海大学)

11:00-11:45 世良透(京都大学)
A conditional limit theorem for Pomeau–Manneville maps

13:30-14:15 中川勝國(広島大学)

14:30-15:15 井上友喜(愛媛大学)
Narrow entrances of the neighborhoods of indifferent  fixed points and invariant measures

15:30-16:15 四丸直人(岡山理科大学)
On behaviors of irrational rotations

16:30-17:15 伊縫寛治(京都大学)
Non-autonomous iterated function systems and fractals


9:30-10:15 山本謙一郎(長岡技術科学大学)
Large deviation principle for linear mod 1 and generalized $\beta$-transformations

10:30-11:15 中島由人(京都大学)
Zeros of some random polynomials and connectedness locus of fractal n-gons

11:30-12:15 盛田健彦(大阪大学)
Direct product of nonsingular random dynamical systems